コンテンツブロック「Pickup Contents」のプレビュー

“Natsugaku” is a place where junior high and high school girls can learn about a wide range of science and engineering fields, share ideas with a variety of people, and meet like-minded classmates. With the cooperation of more than 30 academic societies and companies, you can participate in experiments and talk with people who are active in various fields of science and technology at the poster exhibition. (Not only during the face-to-face summer camps, but also online.)

If you are unsure about your career path, or if you would like to hear real stories from real seniors, why not think about your future together?

What’s New in Summer School 2024 

Report on the Summer School for Girls 2024 Published!

This is a report on the three days of interaction with many researchers and engineers active in their field of specialization, deeply experiencing the fascination of those fields, and furthermore, envisioning a concrete image of oneself in the future.

For more information, please visit here.

Explore the Work of Science and Engineering!

The Career Genealogy website is available!

What kind of jobs will I have if I go into science and engineering? What kind of seniors are there? If I want to work to protect the environment around me or to make cosmetics, which department should I go to? This is a site to answer your questions. (Sorry only in Japanese)